TOTD: Understanding Privilege

Are you Non-White? If the answer is no, then do not presume to understand what it is like to experience the racism that they have suffered, to be treated as a second-class citizen by default and do not dismiss it like it doesn’t exist or ridicule it.

Are you Gay? If the answer is no, then do not presume to understand what it is like to experience the homophobia they have endured, to be victimised because of who you love and do not dismiss it like it doesn’t exist or ridicule it.

Are you a woman? If the answer is no, then do not presume to understand what it is like to experience the sexism they face every day, to be treated as inferior just because of your genitalia and do not dismiss it like it doesn’t exist or ridicule it.

Are you transgender? Have you ever even questioned your own gender? If the answer is no, then do not presume to understand what it is like to experience the transphobia they suffer, to feel trapped by the confines of their own body and do not dismiss it like it doesn’t exist or ridicule it.

Have you answered no to any or all of the above? Then stop wading in and passing your judgement on those experiences. Stop trivialising or making fun of something you know very little about because you have not experienced them. Stop denying that these issues exist because you couldn’t truly know what it is like unless you answered yes. Indeed, you may sympathise, but you will never truly know what it is like unless you answered yes.

If you answered no to any or all of the above, you enjoy a level of privilege. If you think something is a not a problem because it is not a problem to you personally, THAT is "privilege".

If you answered no to any or all of the above, you were born into a body that by default, for one or more reasons, is considered to be better. You are automatically handed a better deal. You didn’t ask for that, but you have it all the same. You will have experienced hardships in life no doubt, but you still have that privilege.

Of course, it is not your fault that you have this privilege and it is not fair to blame you for the results of what has happened throughout history but that does not negate the privilege. Blame and shame will never change anything but denying that you are privileged while you continue to enjoy that privilege is perpetuating a complicity with oppression and allowing the bigotry to continue. Understanding and accepting your own privilege is the first step to fighting that bigotry and building a society of true equality.

Thanks for reading x



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