Bloggers Recognition Award

I am absolutely delighted to announce that I have been nominated for a Bloggers Recognition Award. I would like to take a moment to thank Cassidy for nominating Now That's Just Gay! I was a little lost for words when I received the nomination but I am incredible honoured and thankful! It hasn't always been easy for me to get into the swing of it, but I am getting there! It is particularly lovely to receive this award from a fellow blogger!

Please take a moment to check out Cassidy's work on a whole array of different topics and perspectives over HERE

How 'Now That's Just Gay' Started

I decided to start writing a blog many years ago but I have always struggled when it comes to thinking of topics. I picked the name out of some frustration that the term 'that's gay' was being used in a negative way so wanted to turn that on its head. Initially, I wanted it to be solely about LGBTQ life, issues I face and the things that happen in our community but I often found that I didn't feel like I was adding anything to the conversation or the debate. A little while back, a major life decision was made which would certainly give me a lot of content and from a Gay perspective. Embarking on the journey to become Dad and Daddy was going to be something very personal but I wanted to share that because I am sure there are thousands out there also planning the same. Of course, I didn't just want to write about surrogacy but with that, I was writing again and having lots of ideas about all of the other things I can write about! I am now getting more involved in the blogging community and building even more determination to write. The future is looking bright!

Advice To New Bloggers

1. Write about what you care about! Do not feel that you should write about something if it doesn't truly interest you. If there is a topic that you feel really passionately about, write about it. Your passion will shine through. If you force yourself to write about something that isn't igniting a spark, this will also shine through. The whole reason people read blogs is because they want to read your views. Make them count!
2. Do not get disheartened. Initially, it may feel that no one is really reading your blog but you are just starting out. If you keep writing and sharing your thoughts, people will come. Obviously, sharing on social media also helps, but don't worry if it seems a bit slow to begin with. Keep at it and I am sure you will start building up your followers.

Blogger Recognition Award Nominees:

These are my absolute faves so please go check them out!

You can also join the Bloggers Supporting Each Other Community HERE

Congratulations to all of the new nominees! 
I hope you will all continue the cycle by following the guidelines below...
  • Thank the blogger that nominated you and provide the link to their blog.
  • Write a post on your blog to show off your award.
  • Tell everyone how your blog got started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select the bloggers you wish to give the award to.
  • Contact each blogger that you are nominating (perhaps with a comment on their blog) to let them know that they have been nominated and provide the link to the post you created.



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